Thursday, April 19, 2012

Bjorling Pirate Site, Claims Public Domain

Jussi Bjorling in concert at Carnegie Hall

Recently we have added a few of our extremely scarce recordings to YouTube and have met with resitance on a few of them from web representation outfits like IODA, who claim to represent recordings of an artist which was made in 1923 and the companies doors shut without the sale of their catalog in 1935. I also found resistance from other outfits claiming to hold copyrights on Mozart, Brahms, Tchaikovsky, Halevy and Verdi. (All compositions prior to 1922 are in fact public domain in the Uinted States.) That said, I was amazed to learn of this web-site which boasts all of the Jussi Bjorling recordings on the site from 1920-1960 were in public domain and free to download.  Now a quick scan of the listings on the site one finds portions of the 1960 Reiner/Vienna Phil Verdi Requiem which is still in print on Decca and portions of the 1959 RCA Turandot with Birgit Nilsson which is also still in print.  There are also others, but these stick out like sore thumbs.  I know for a fact these are recordings still under copyright.  IODA also seems to represent the Interests of the Bjorling Family in sound recordings on the web.

Anyhow, in variant sound and for as long as it lasts before it is inevitably pulled from the web, here is the site, enjoy.  But realize nothing I can see about the listings on this site is public domain.

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